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At SWEDICINE, we're passionate about providing high-quality diagnostic tools that are both accurate and affordable. Our products are the result of over 20 years of experience in the industry, and we've built our reputation on a foundation of quality, accuracy, and innovation.

Our mission is simple: to make diagnostics tools accessible to everyone. We believe that reliable testing should be easy, accurate, and affordable, and we're dedicated to making that a reality for our customers.

To stay at the forefront of our industry, we've adopted an ear-to-the-ground approach. Our research and development team is made up of experts from around the world, allowing us to stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and market trends from every corner of the globe.

We take quality seriously, which is why the majority of our rapid tests are CE marked. With SWEDICINE, you can trust that you're getting the best possible diagnostic tools for your needs.

About us



Research & development

Kvinnliga utvecklare


Suddig rörelse

Customer relations

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